Thursday 15 November 2012

Due to other commitments our original cast members, Miranda and Barney, couldn't make it to filming on the date we chose so we decided to cast similar looking people, Rachael Sherwin and Fraser Richardson, to be in our music video.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Test shot analysis

The problems we have found with our test shots are:

  • The woods were too sheltered and blocked most of the natural light, therefor to overcome this we plan to find a more open piece of woodland to film in.
  • Due to the natural light through the window changing frequently in the bedroom scene we struggled to get a consistent desired focus on the actors. When re-shooting we will take studio lights with us to light the scene rather than rely on the natural light. The window will be blacked out to assure no interference with the light quality.
  • The "do not disturb" sign needs to be produced on a computer in order to make it look legitimate. 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Test shots

These are location test shots and some small clips in which we are going to re-film for our music video.

Inspiration for album cover

Yesterday I (Lucy) went to the Tate Modern to see the Daido Moriyama and William Klein exhibition, where I saw these example's of Moriyama's work which were a boost of inspiration for our album cover:

Friday 28 September 2012